Janos Gereben <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'm not sure which theater did
>it so "theatrically" and effectively (A.C.T.?): ringing came through the
>loudspeakers in a crescendo, conversations ceased, and everybody started
>looking for the source of the sound, the announcement was made about
>turning off the phones.  There was no "accident" that evening.

The Royal Albert Hall broadcasts an ever-louder ringtone before concerts,
followed by a verbal warning.  This after the notorious incident when
Simon Rattle brought the Berlin Phil to the Proms for the first time
and began to conduct the Rite of Spring.

Virginia Knight
Personal homepage: http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/~cmvhk/virginia.html
Blog (mostly about singing): http://devbox.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/~cmvhk/blog/