After working on perhaps hundreds of testing sites I lose track.
Another benefit is that the testing company often travels to places it
hasn't worked before. It might be good to know that "3 blocks over"
someone else also once was required to test or not. I'm not sure the
reciprocal of the work I might call it is kept track of, only the
"location data" which is on a "need to know" and if I wanted as did
Ezra Zubrow, Ph.D., summarize and compare the information, I would
like to have more than the "volunteered" information on the NADB,
which to me is insulting personally, having one work-site in Dayton,
Ohio listed over Shaker burials for the Dayton Power and Light Co.,
back for 10 days of fieldwork the weekend Pete Rose hit his 5000 hit
in his professional baseball career, as much as I liked the one motor
many rope driven fans of the "Spaghetti Factory" there.

Can't the SHPO keep track? Maybe my state three different
offices keep records. If they were taxi fares, dropped off at the
road, and not "trespassed" with dangers and litigious backgrounds I
wouldn't want to know, but as a GRE taking working stiff I'd like to
at least to reference what I know with what I've done. One job I
couldn't even get the name of the doctor who took blood and urine
samples from its business manager.

George Myers