>>Where are those of you in the US purchasing oxalic acid? ..  
Nebraska was to have a section 18 mitacide approved but it is going 
too slow for this year....

Any hardware store should have it.  It's used as wood bleach.  It 
comes in pure anhydrate form but call the manufacturer to confirm 
they don't add anything else!  I did.  It's very inexpensive and you 
use small amounts.

I can't help re. approvals and registrations.  Oxalic acid has been 
used for a couple of decades following thorough research in countries 
that are no banana republics.

I only use oxalic acid along with screened bottoms for varroa 
control.  Unlike Checkmite or Apistan, OA leaves no unnatural levels 
in honey or wax.  Approval is taking a long time because there is no 
big business pushing for it...


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