James Tobin asks:

>Tell us about Kellogg.  He seems to have only one work recorded.

I don't know an awful lot about him.  I've heard a grand total of two
works: the minor hit Divinum Mysterium (the work that's been recorded)
and a piano trio, Ora Perpetuo, I happened to catch in concert.  Obviously,
religion inspires his music.  He studied with Rorem, Schwantner, and
Jennifer Higdon, among others, not a bad group to learn from.  He's
still, from my vantage point, a kid, but his music is astonishingly
assured.  I recommend the Divinum Mysterium CD.  I wrote a review of it
for somebody, but it got creamed in Katrina.  Eighth blackbird, the group
that commissioned it, is one extraordinary ensemble.  It may be my
favorite contemporary-music organization.

Steve Schwartz