
>>...  I am amazed at how little respect a head librarian can have for
>>preservation, research and scholarship.


>It is surprising.  I've always seen a librarian as a curator of
>information in its various forms, just like a museum curator.  I
>guess I was wrong.

As I librarian, I assure you, that in more cases than we would like to
admit, you are indeed wrong.  Though I must add that there is a difference
bwtween head librarians, often department heads, and librarians "at the
desk." If anyone cares about "curating" it is them--and not all of them,
either.  The head types are worried about PR buildings, budgets, getting
a promotion, etc. In my experience (obviously not universal), I have
seen little or no enthusiasm for "preservation, research and scholarship"
on the part of many, perhaps most librarians.  The word these days in
the public library is "community center." And Internet uber alles.

Roger Hecht