Jeff Dunn <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I was reading an issue of BBC Music Magazine and ran across a report
>that certain composers literally cause nausea upon exposure to certain
>individuals, and was wondering if any Listers experienced that sensation
>in their lives.

/lurk off

Most art song/opera gives me headaches.  I've tried to come to some
accommodation with them with no results.  I had one of the LA Phil's
Tristan evenings with my subscription last year and attended just to see
if I could handle it.  I couldn't.  From the moment the singers began,
I wished the whole misbegotten thing were over.  I sprang for a ticket
to La Fenice in December 2004 to see if a historical venue and the warm
squishies of being in Venice would change anything.  I left after the
first act.

/lurk on

Ravi Narasimhan
Redondo Beach, CA