Jeff Dunn <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I was reading an issue of BBC Music Magazine and ran across a report
>that certain composers literally cause nausea upon exposure to certain
>individuals, and was wondering if any Listers experienced that sensation
>in their lives.

My Mexico City friend recently pointed out to me that concert programs
often list the lengths of the pieces performed, which is not something
I've seen done here in the US.  We speculated on why this practice exists
in Mexico City, and the best reason we could arrive at is to give the
listener perogative on when to leave or enter if he/she feels strongly
about a piece in the program.  Considering that my friend doesn't have
much use for contemporary music, he's often taken advantage of the time
markings to leave before such a piece begins, and to come back when it's
finished.  However, I've never asked him if he came about this practice
after a bout of nausea.  ;-)

hector aguilar