Dave Lampson wrote:

>I have noticed that some recent CDs include a catalog number for the
>works of Villa-Lobos.  They are designated by a "W." but I can't find
>any info relating to this catalog numbering system.  The New Grove lists
>"S.  Wright: 'Villa-Lobos: the Formation of his Style' Soundings (1979-80)"
>in the bibliography.  My guess is that this may be the same person who
>put together the thematic catalog.  Can anyone elucidate?

To me, it is surprising this index.  I suggest to contact the Academia
Brasileira de Musica www.abmusica.org.br or the Museu Villa Lobos
www.museuvillalobos.org.br (both in Rio de Janeiro).  The scholar Dr.
Vasco Mariz is the most appropriate people to elucidate about this matter.

Edson Tadeu Ortolan
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[If you want to see these catalog numbers "in action" check out this link:

