Hi!  Just wanted to chime in about the major media coverage of Channel 4's "extraordinary 
breastfeeding."  I have not personally tuned in -- I was too nervous about what they might say-- 
but have talked to friends who watched the show or heard discussions of the topic on the radio.  
Indeed, they are all saying, "I can see breastfeeding for a few years, but eight?"  

I have mixed feelings about this, because breastfeeding for 8 years can be a healthy, positive 
arrangement for all involved, and I don't want to benefit from anyone being ridiculed.  My 
response has been, "Yeah, anthropologists say that if we were free of cultural expectations not to, 
at least some kids would still be breastfeeding until the age of 7.  So, yeah,  I agree that 
breastfeeding at age 8 is on the far end of the spectrum."  By putting it this way, I hope to affirm 
their sense that, yes, breastfeeding for 8 yrs. is unusual, but also introduce the notion that it is 
not wrong.  Then I talk about my experience breastfeeding into the preschool years and try 
casually dispel a few myths.  People have been very receptive, and it is heartening to see a culture 
that prizes weaning at 4 months be open minded about this.  

Kerry Ose, (US citizen, UK resident)


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