> I asked if you had "any indication" that paper letters
> are more effective than electronic communication.

I do.  Much more than an "indication".

It was the direct advice of the Chairman of the House
Agriculture Committee, given in response to a direct
question about the best approach for "grass-roots" influence
to get his committee to act.  I'm sorry if I did not make
that crystal clear.

> Do you really think that the actual politician sees the
> actual piece  of paper that you stuff into an envelope?

No, as I explained, their staff does all that, but they do
"count" and paper "counts for more".  "Counts" are reported
to the representative, and the more elegant and brief examples
are often read by the representative if attached to the "count".
That was direct advice, and is not speculation of any sort.

> The question is whether their staff gives more weight to
> actual paper letters, versus feedback provided via the web.

As I reported, they do.

> my speculation is that a comment delivered electronically
> is just as effective as one delivered in a paper envelope.

Fine!  Do whatever you like, as it certainly is better than
doing nothing.

> What I'm saying is that rather than asking people to get
> out the envelope and stamp, it makes more sense to give them
> the web site  and  ask them to contact the congresscritters that way.

As I said, there are drawbacks to taking that approach.
I listed them.  But it is certainly better than doing nothing.

> It's easy to find your senators and representative, but harder to
> know who are the other appropriate targets for comment.

I gave the names of the specific congressmen who head the
House Agriculture Committee, the exact best people to contact.
(But ALSO contacting your own congressional representative is
not to be forgotten, as he/she represents YOU.)

> I assume that the funding decisions for USDA-related projects
> are essentially  made by committee(s), but I don't know which one(s).

I do.  The House Agriculture Committee as a whole handles the
USDA budget.  No need to worry about subcommittees on this issue,
as the USDA budget is a "big deal".

> Perhaps someone with more knowledge than I of the workings in DC
> could suggest specific individuals to target.

I think I may, and I did, and I'll do so again:

1) Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Bob Goodlatte of Roanoke, VA
2) Ranking Minority Member Collin Peterson of MN
3) Your state's Congresscritters.  Every darn one of them.

Look, if you can't find a stamp and an envelope, I understand. :)

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