Karen Mergeurian writes:

>Anyway, the combination was enough to bring me to an understanding
>of classical music, and give me the stamina to follow a long phrase and
>to pace myself through movements, to listen for theme and development,
>to understand harmonies a bit.

Several writers have argued that music is music, and the different labels
we use should be deemphasized.  Karen's perceptive remarks nicely underline
what any listener must bring to classical music; stamina and the willingness
to follow an extended and structured work.  I am not arguing that young
people are devoid of these qualities which are in essence no different
from what is required of any serious enterprise.  It is also the case
that the boundaries between classical and popular are fuzzy - a very
good thing!!  And I am certainly not claiming that c.m.  is better than
other forms- just that its virtues and attractions are essentially unique.

As always, IMHO.
Bernard Chasan