Hi Guys,

>Perhaps Dennis can say whether he put regressed bees in his TBHs...

Yes I did. And I was quite surprised by what I found. My small cell bees
didn't have any cell size memory at all. As a matter of fact, they only
built large cell size comb. It was the bees that hatched out of that same
large cell size comb, that later, drew out the small cell size comb in my
tbh. Kind of a double blind test run by the bees themselves:>)))

And I put some regressed small cell bees into standard hives with
exclusively clean, large cell size comb. These hives were maintained for
three seasons. And then some of these resulting large cell bees were again
placed into a tbh. The results: They built a broodnest with the same
orientation and cell size distribution as did the original small cell bees
when put into a tbh.


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