I must say I do not particularly like the idea of suppression of the
music of Tschaikovsky (or however you anglicise the name).  Perhaps it
is because of my musical naivety but I still experience profound enjoyment
from any of the Tschaikovsky symphonies, the operas (I especially like
Pique Dame although the performances of it I have seen have been rather
wooden), the ballet suites and Serenade fur Streicher.

If I can listen to the Beethoven 7th symphony for the thousandth time
and still be moved by it why can the same thing not be allowable with
the pathetique symphony?  Are we Tschaikovsky-lovers going to be driven
underground and our pleasure become a secret vice such as the old medical
textbooks used to warn about?

If you are going to pick on any musical work to suppress, could it not
be Elgar's Enigma variations?  On the local classical channels I estimate
it has been played a million times; sometimes in consecutive weeks.

Leon Le Leu