--- Grant Gillard <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> My question to those interested in beekeeping
> software:  Just what do you want the computer
> program to keep track of or do for you?

    Was brain storming thoughts on the above question
and the following thoughts came to mind.  Ya'll might
want to add to the list and let's all try to make a
comprehensive composit of our wants and needs.
  The program should
be able to track individual hives on a time line.  It
should provide some kind of spreadsheet to include all
expenditures and incomes.  It should be able to track
inventory. Depreciation of assets should be included
for tax purposes.  The information should be available
in a simple enough form to be able to transfer needed
information into tax sheets (Be accessable by the
current tax programs?).  At the end of the season, or
at the appropriate time the beekeeper should be able
to evaluate each hive as to productivity, strength,
resistance to disease and pests, readiness to
overwinter and winter hardiness.  I currently keep
daily track of the local weather and am trying, with
my limited knowledge, to make notes of any nectar
supporting blooming that takes place.

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