Steve Schwartz wrote:

>Actually, I go to a concert to both see and hear.  As Yogi Berra said,
>"You can observe a lot by watching." I've found out some very interesting
>things about music and musicians that probably wouldn't have occurred
>to me through listening, even with a score.  For example, as much as I
>love and admire Leonard Bernstein's music, I've discovered that the
>musical interest in his work tends to lie in the upper parts.  His bass
>parts are usually far easier -- often pedal points.  In short, not every
>player has something interesting to do.  I've also discovered this really
>fabulous babe amongst the violas.

Possibly the ultimate "visual composer" in my experience is Ives.  I
have a number of CDs of his works which might as well support the leg
of my wobbly table; they just don't work.

I have to see the multiple groupings within the orchestra, multiple
conductors and so on; all these bows going at different speeds and
in different directions are an intrinsic part of the performance!
(Interestingly, and apropos previous comments, TV closeups would
destroy this).
