Karl Miller wrote:

>Robert Peters wrote:
>>Beethoven would have written different music if he had had a loving wife
>>and no hearing problems or had lived just fifty years later.
>Or if prozac had been available!  But, for me, I am glad it was not as
>I doubt his music would have been able to touch me in the same way, or
>as deeply.

I totally agree. On the one hand I often think: the guy deserved more
happiness in his life.  But then he would have written different music,
maybe no Fidelio - which I would miss dearly.  Selfish thought, isnt it?

>For me, every musician has some vanity, or something close to that
>notion...otherwise, why would they think someone would be willing to
>spend X number of minutes listening to their work, assuming that notion
>ever conciously crosses their mind.  Perhaps it is a fine line between
>a "healthy" sense of self worth and vanity.

Good definition.  In my eyes Liszt crossed that line and I simply dislike
