Pamela McElwain-Brown wrote:

>I hope all of you lucky enough to attend will keep the rest of us in
>mind.  What a wonderful event.

We can all participate together, in a way.  There's an all day celebration
on on 26th January.  Thanks Miguel for the link!!!

See also:

Not long ago we were discussing filmed music.  The Nupen films show
what can be achieved by musically intelligent film makers.  Nupen was a
friend of Jacqueline du Pre so his filming is particularly sensitive and
perceptive.  He says, "film remembers the artistic personality better,
it is more revealing and personal".  Like poetry, film can speak as art,
and go beyond the literal.  As someone else here said (sorry I deleted
the messages), music is made by human beings.  It's instructive to watch
how musicians behave as human beings - their unconcious body language
and movements are part of who they are.  Obviously there are good and
bad music films, but Nupen's are an example of the way it can be done.

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