Bert Bailey wrote:

>Applying Bernard's Whameter (Worth Hearing Again meter) to the symphonies
>of active and living composers I'm familiar with, my short list would
>George Tsontakis's Four Symphonic Quartets
>Erki-Sven Tuur's 2nd symphony
>Jose Serebrier's 2nd (Partita)
>Yehven/Evgeni Stankovytch's 2nd (Heroic) symphony
>John Kinsella's 4th (The Four Provinces), and his 9th, for strings, just
>recently premiered.

EXCELLENT!  The last two composers are completely unknown to me, and I
am familiar only with the Tsontakis piece, so my horizons are widened.
I agree with Bailey's high regard for the Tsontakis.  I highly recommend
his Piano Quartet Triptych which has recently appeared on cd.  One of
them replaces the viola with a clarinet- it is a particular gem. This
music is accessible but challenging, expressive, and- beautiful!!

Bernard Chasan