Anyone else notice the following activity at "Disaster Day"?

"Bring an archaeological find to be identified by an expert from the
Portable Antiquities Scheme!"

I hesitate to criticize this without knowing all of the details, but doesn't
this have the potential to encourage pot-hunting?

Randy Lichtenberger

-----Original Message-----
From: Automatic digest processor [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 2:00 AM
To: Recipients of HISTARCH digests
Subject: HISTARCH Digest - 12 Dec 2004 to 13 Dec 2004 (#2004-312)

<title>HISTARCH Digest - 12 Dec 2004 to 13 Dec 2004 (#2004-312)</title>
<body bgcolor="#E9E9E9" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF">
<h2>HISTARCH Digest - 12 Dec 2004 to 13 Dec 2004 (#2004-312)</h2>
<p><h3>Table of contents:</h3>
<li><a href="#S1">Disaster Day! - YAC and SHA</a>
<li><a href="#S2">Laptops and AV at the SHA 2005 Conference in York</a>
<li><a href="#S3">Measure for photo's</a>
<li><a href="#S4">Nails to date historical houses?</a>
<li><a href="#S5">Work clothing button identification</a>
<a name=S1><li>Disaster Day! - YAC and SHA</a><ul>
<li><a href="cid:24290@LISTS.ASU.EDU">Disaster Day! - YAC and SHA</a>
(12/13)<br><b>From:</b> "Moss, William"
&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
<a name=S2><li>Laptops and AV at the SHA 2005 Conference in York</a><ul>
<li><a href="cid:24291@LISTS.ASU.EDU">Re: Laptops and AV at the SHA 2005
Conference in York</a> (12/13)<br><b>From:</b> SHA Headquarters
&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
<a name=S3><li>Measure for photo's</a><ul>
<li><a href="cid:24292@LISTS.ASU.EDU">Re: Measure for photo's</a>
(12/13)<br><b>From:</b> Jane Brown &lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
<a name=S4><li>Nails to date historical houses?</a><ul>
<li><a href="cid:24293@LISTS.ASU.EDU">Re: Nails to date historical
houses?</a> (12/13)<br><b>From:</b> David Moyer
&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
<a name=S5><li>Work clothing button identification</a><ul>
<li><a href="cid:24294@LISTS.ASU.EDU">Work clothing button
identification</a> (12/13)<br><b>From:</b> Suzanne Carter
&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>

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