I'm an obsessive personality and have to watch myself.

At times I've been obsessed with the music of Tchaikovsky, Martinu,
Vaughan Williams, Rosner, Ravel, Stravinsky, Hindemith, Mussorgsky,
Bloch, Rimsky-Korsakov, Holmboe, Piston, Grainger, Poulenc, Honegger,
Simpson, and Brian.  I'm still very enthusiastic for all of them, but I
can no longer call myself obsessed, since I don't find myself collecting
just any recording with one of those names on it.  I am obsessive about
duplicating works, it turns out.  Multiple performances don't usually
interest me, with a couple of exceptions: the Beethoven violin concerto
and the fourth piano concerto.

I still obsess over certain performers.  I *will* buy any CD with
either George Szell's or Charles Munch's name on it.  I also buy a lot
of a cappella recordings in all genres - the Dale Warland Singers, the
Danish Radio Choir, the Arnold Schoenberg Choir, the Tallis Scholars,
the Elizabethan Singers, the Purcell Singers, the old Robert Shaw Chorale,
the old Roger Wagner Chorale, as well as the Swingle Singers (all
incarnations), the Persuasions, the Modernaires, the Hi-Los, Les Double
Six, and Rockappella.

There just isn't enough time (or money).
