Hello All,

The New Zealand publication is:

Taylor, M. 2002. Varroa destructor not thwarted by smaller sized cells,
study finds. The New Zealand Beekeeper 10, 10: 7-8.

The first sentence in bold says " Smaller honeybee cells neither reduce
the reproductive success or the amount of cells infested by the Varroa
destructor mite, according to a New Zealand study", and the last
sentence says "  -these results suggest cells smaller than 5.4 mm may
actually increase infestation".

Briefly, 5 rectangular pieces of comb 5 cm x 8 cm with cells ranging in
size from 4.7 mm to 5.4 mm were inserted into the same brood combs, and
after three generations of brood were frozen and the number of infested
cells and the number of adults and offspring per cell were counted. A
total of 1,616 cells were assessed from 10 nucleus colonies, 2 frames
per colony.

Robert Dartington asked if the bees uncapped more infested cells of
small size. The study doesn't address this point.

Trevor Weatherhead is correct in that 4.7 and 4.8 mm foundation was
inconsistently drawn out. However, the author says that "enough sections
(of comb) with correctly shaped cells were obtained for trial usage".

The author, Michelle Taylor, can be contacted at:

Ruakura Research Centre,
East Street,
Private Bag 3123,
New Zealand.

I don't have Michelle's email address, but she works with Dr Mark
Goodwin, [log in to unmask]

Barry Donovan,
New Zealand.

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