Mitch Friedfeld responds to mmeennee:

>>There's also a recent version by Natalie Stutzman, which I haven't
>>heard because I don't like Stutzman's voice and her rather heavy
>This was reviewed in the same article that lauded the Goerne/Brendel.
>The reviewer gave it three stars for both performance and sound, but
>it was a grudging three.  "For paid up Stutzmann fans only," was the
>reviewer's verdict.

I guess that rules me out.  (grin) I think, though, it is a cycle only
for an exceptionally convincing female voice, however good.  Try a few
tenor versions, too, as Schubert was a tenor and wrote it for the voice.
Schreier, definitely - Pregardien too if you can handle the fortepiano.
Somewhere have a very good recording where Pregardien also talks through
how he feels the cycle develops.  However auf Deutsch only.  Goerne,
Hotter and Fischer-Dieskau (Demus or Moore) will never let you down.

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