Perhaps a few of you forget who grows the billions of flowers and provides
our bees with sutch an abundance of nectar, we are able to make a living
off honey collection.  It is the farmers field to which we use to gather
nectar.  It is our responsibility to inform the farmer to ensure proper
communication when insecticide programs are going to be used.
Herbicide losses are very raire, nad anyone who says otherwise has not alot
to complain about.  General applications of herbs are done in eary plant
growthe before any real nectar sources are out, except of dandilions and
especially on no till farms.  Concentrate your resources on insecticides,
the real problem to beekeepers.
We cant stop farmers from contoling damaging bugs.  It is all economics,
and I'm sure we all can understand that,.  To stop them from making a
living will directly affect the way we make a living.


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