That is why they are so expensive -- RJ produced in France sell for 891 Euro per Kg,
e.g.  The ones sold in US are so cheap because they are all imported from China, I
think. I cannot imagine anyone producing it locally here for $50 per Kg.   Imported RJ
in France sells for 89 Euro per Kg.

You can put 60-100 cells per colony and one person can easily handle 6 colonies
per day (harvesting and grafting).  Average per cell is 25 mg (that is what I remember
from experience in 1982 -- my memory might be innacurate).  so you can produce
25mg x 60 x 6 = 1500 mg = 1.5 g per day!

hmmm... That is not right. perhaps each cell yields 100 mg per day (same weight as
a worker, that is probably the maximum)?  even then it is only 36 grams... I think I
need to charge $400 per lb if I produce it!

Anyone wants to buy ? :) :)

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 23:38:15 -0400, Keith Benson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>That seems like a very intensive process.  How much royal jelly does a
>skilled producer get from a decent hive?

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