Richard Pennycuick:

>I omitted to mention in my earlier post Schumann's early and incomplete
>symphony in G Minor, known as the Zwickauer.  John Eliot Gardiner includes
>it in his DG set of the symphonies but I know of only one other recording
>and that was in the days of LP conducted by Marc Andre, or something
>similar.  Does anyone know of others?

neville Marriner recorded it in 1986 with the Suddeutcher Rundfunk
Sinfonie Orchester, on Capriccio.  (CD).  Eliahu Inbal did it on vinyl
for Phillips in 1972 with the New Philharmonia.  I have not heard either
of these; I have the old Marc Andrae recording, which includes the
Overture, Scherzo and Finale.  How is Gardiner's performance of the
g minor?

Jim Tobin