Jeff Dunn wrote:

>Gleaned from the net, interested regional variations in how symphony
>orchestra website instruct patrons:
> "Applause between movements can be seen as an encouraging
> sign of new and enthusiastic additions to the classical music
> fold." (Houston Symphony)
> "The audience does not applaud between movements of a piece."
> (NY Phil)   ...

James Galway once addressed an audience of which I was a member, telling
us that it was fine if we felt like applauding between movements.  Of
course, I think most everyone knew that this was just another form of
self-aggrandizement, as I have watched orchestra members, conductors,
and soloists glare at between-movement applauders because it interrupts
the flow of the music.  But then, is it any worse than the conversation,
audience seating, etc., which too often occurs between movements?  The
Aspen Music Festival no longer seats late-comers between movements --
only between different works.

Jane Erb