Roger Hecht <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>In Third Ear Classical Music, I wrote that Sinopoli's is the most
>powerful version, with Debra Voigt and Bryn Terfel; their Wagnerian
>voices fit the conductor's concept (DG).  Terfel is the best of the
>baritones, but good as Voigt is, I prefer a leaner-toned soprano.
>Sinopoli and the close recording bring out many often hidden
>instrumental lines, revealing a more complex, vibrant, and eerie
>score than most.   ...

Many thanks Roger - I shall give it a go. You mention the close miking.
May I please aks then if the soloists are naturally balanced?  There are
times when they need to be almost overwhelmed by the orchestra and I'm
hoping that, as in their Elektra, this will be the case here.  May I
please ask too about the openejing.  Is it slow (like VChailly) or swift
(like Gielen?) Kind regards,

David H