> My buckwheat honey was not particularly
> dark at all, and certainly not sludgy.

The word 'buckwheat' seems to be used to describe several different plants
in different regions.  Maybe not, but I do know that the 'buckwheat' honey
from California is not much like the 'buckwheat' honey from Western Canada.

> There was a characteristic flavour
> which local beekeepers loved but did not recognise, which suggests to me
> that it was buckwheat honey.  Buckwheat honey is of particular interest to
> me because we make an African Mead (www.iqhilika.co.za) and buckwheat is
> reputedly good for brewing - not only because of the taste but because of
> the dark colour (the mead is not pale urine-coloured).

Our buckwheat mead was some of the best I've made.  The floral character
came through more than I have noticed in the honey.

> Your answer quite nicely explains why honey may contain chloramphenicol,
> I am wondering (and my knowledge of AFB is limited being South African) if
> the chloramphenicol was not used by beekeepers as a remedy for AFB locally
> as opposed to in China.  Chloramphenicol would be more suitable than
> penicillin et al. because there has been very little resistance build-up
> it.   Is it not perhaps American beekeepers that are using BW honey to
> disguise dubious honey?

AFAIK, chloramphenicol is not used to prevent/cure AFB, but for other
purposes.  Whether it would work on AFB or not, I do not know, but it was
not in the lists of potential control antibiotics that were made up when the
USDA and Ag Canada were looking for a replacement for OTC to deal with rAFB.
My understanding was that they listed all the drugs that were at all
effective against AFB and went from there.

My understanding has been that the chloramphenicol, unlike the nitrofurans,
was introduced into honey incidentally due to its use for some other
purpose.  Does anyone have the real facts on this?


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