Group Name: Mozart Society Orchestra

Event Name: Spring Concert featuring two conductors

Dates of Event: Friday, April 23, 2004

Time of Event: 8pm

Location of Event: Paine Hall on the Harvard University Campus

Ticket Prices: Tickets $9 regular/ $7 students, seniors

Ticket availability: Tickets available at the door

Contact person: Yi-Chen Stacy Huang, [log in to unmask]

Mozart Society Orchestra presents its final concert of the season featuring
two orchestral works by Johannes Brahms and Zoltan Kodaly.  This concert
will also feature resident conductor, Chris Younghoon Kim and returning
music director Akiko Fujimoto.  Mozart Society is a orchestra made up
of Harvard's most congenial musicians.


Johannes Brahms  Variaitons on a theme of Haydn
Zoltan Kodaly  Dances of Galanta

hope you can make it to the concert.  Best,

Chris Younghoon Kim
conductor of the Mozart Society Orchestra at Harvard.