Andy Jackson wrote:

>I have a question for list members.  Does anyone in the Boston area know
>anything about the Concord Orchestra?  They are due to give two performances
>of Robert Simpson's 5th Symphony (March 26 & 27) in Concord Massachusetts,
>and I am contemplating taking a trip up there to attend.

I can speak only from a third-person point of view.  I've never played
for them or heard them.

The Concord Orchestra is an amateur orchestra, as far as I know, though
I know at least one professional in it: he's told me he stays in it (he's
not paid as far as I know) because of the adventurous repertoire they
play.  I'd give it a shot if they had a first trombone opening, put it
that way.  The conductor, Richard Pittman, is known for his work with
modern music.

I suspect that the concert will be pretty good, but not great, but then
where are you going to hear a Simpson symphony in this part of the woods.

Anyone who's heard the orchestra in concert knows more about them than I
do. If you're a Simpson lover, I'd give it a shot and be tolerant.

Roger Hecht