Richard Pennycuick:

>The personnel was chosen from the most famous ensembles of the day.  It
>provided then an orchestra of outstanding virtuosity and efficiency and
>its success was immediate.

Tony Duggan:

>It was only ever one of the many "scratch" orchestras that could be put
>together from the vast pool of London freelancers for recording purposes.
>However, the Sinfonia of London that was to be found on recordings in
>the 1960s was, as I say, a much more ad hoc ensemble.

Thanks to both of you who give exactly the type of information I was
hoping someone familiar to British orchestras would give me - memories,
informative links and also conclusions I was just about daring to come

I hadn't realized St. Martin-in-the-Fields had started in that way but
it stands to reason.

Thanks again.


Christine Labroche