Tom Conner wrote:

>Brilliant classic are available from TCL Special order imports

Meaning no offense, but I did not find that Web page helpful at all.  I'd
already forgotten the full description of the set that aroused my curiosity
but I remembered that it contained string quarters by, among others,
Smetana, Janacek and, I believe, Martinu.  It seems your search engines,
such as they are, generally go by artists and I'd forgotten who the artists
were.   Your Classical link did purport to provide a search engine by
composer.  I clicked on HOM-KZ to get Janacek and got a total mess.  It
seemed to start in inverse alphabetical order by last initial, starting w/
Kuulberg down to Kynaston after which, beginning with Homilius the list was
unreadable because the entries were no longer on separate lines resulting
in a mishmash of composers, artists and labels, in which what I was looking
for may have been concealed and maybe not.

I guess I'll just have to forego this treat.

Walter Meyer