Richard Pennycuick responds to me:

>>Both Mike and I would give our right hands to be as celebrated as Gould
>My impossibly cluttered memory suggested that I'd read in one of Don's
>posts that he's left-handed......  Thus this grand gesture is not quite
>as noble as it seemed.

Richard must have a fine memory.  Yes, I'm left-handed and was hoping
that Mike was right-handed.  Nobility is not one of my basic traits.

Richard also commented that I'd like to play Prokofiev's 4th Piano
Concerto and the Goldberg Variations.  Hey, I can play them both,
although I doubt anyone would want to hear it.  When I'm seriously
playing my piano, both my wife and my dog "General Jackson" go into the
master bedroom and close the door.  I think it's the General who actually
does the closing - a command decision.

Don Satz
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