Keith Malone wrote:

>Hi Keith & All,
>>> But
>>>even if there is nothing unique to honey, there is still the question of
>>>delivery. We know nurse bees eat pollen and honey
>>Watered honey or preferentially nectar.  This is an important detail
>If the bees were presented with watered honey and/or sugar syrup which would
>they prefer?

Appetites are complex things, I suspect they might go for the honey
water since you asked the question.  To evaluate the merit of the
implication that if the bees prefer watered honey over syrup that it is
more nutritious consider the following question.

You have a group of ten year old humans (n=10, 5 males, 5 females,
randomly selected from any US grammar school.  They are presented with a
steaming plate of broccoli and another plate with a nice big slice of
chocolate cake with fudge frosting.  How many 10 year olds would pick
the far more nutritious cake?

Appetites are important - but are very very specific and are are not the
end all in nutrition or nutrient selection, in fact, in many instances
cause more harm than good.

Another example?  McDonalds.

Keith "and that milk better be cold" Benson

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