In the wide sense, all musics created in actuality are NEW MUSIC.
I include the Classical Contemporany Music, Operas (and Cantatas/Oratorios)
Jazz, Rock, Pop Music (songs and dances), Utilitary Music (religious,
political, social, conmunity, sporting etc.  hymns; trading
jingles; soundtrack of the films, ballet and play-theaters;
shopping/airport/elevator/pub etc.  surrounding music etc.).

We are living like the Renaissancist Music Age, when the all musicians
compounded masses, motets, profane songs, dances, marches, canzonas per
sonar, sonatas, concerti etc.

But, in the stict sense, I reserve the denomination NEW MUSIC only to
trends of the Classical Contemporany Music (pos-minimalism, pos-modernism,
aleatory, new-serialism, neo-tonalism, eletrocnic academic, experimental,
and others trends).

In my opinion, the CLASSICAL MUSIC - the ART of the MUSIC - born in the
Renaissance Age (14th-15th Century).  It is a specifical Art to explorate
artisticly the sound parameters (pitch, register, melody, harmony, rhythm,
attack, articulation, intensity, speed/andamento, genre, form etc.).

Edson Tadeu Ortolan - Brazil
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