Jos writes:

>I would be quite interested in how other list members of so called
>"smaller countries" think their country's music fares on the international
>scene.  Any comments from you guys out there in, say, Finland or South

Being from a smaller country, (California), I'm going to speak for the
South Americans and say that Dorian's "Latin American Masters" series
is as good as it gets.  The recorded sound is astonishing.  (Had to get
that out of the way).  What a bunch of treasures here: Villa Lobos "Choros
10", the ballets "Uirapuru" and "Amazonas;" Ginastera's "Pampeana 3;"
not to mention gems by Obron, Esteves, and Revueltas.  Competent, colorful
and imaginative stuff!

There are at least six in the CD series conducted by Eduardo Mata and
the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela--a crack ensemble.
Type in "Dorian" and "Mata" in the Amazon search engine to give 'em a
look.  Maybe you will find them used to boot.

Oh, and those English people pushing all that English music--why shouldn't
they?  It's good music.  A country that can boast such companies and
Decca, EMI, Chandos, and Hyperion has nothing to apologize for--I'd want
to spread the word too!  Compare Decca's R.  Strauss to DG's VW--tell
me which company's not venturing over the border?

John Smyth
Sacramento, CA