Donald Satz wrote:

>Here in Albuquerque, only Borders has a substantial inventory of Naxos
>recordings.  I would estimate that it takes about two months from the
>time I receive a Naxos e-mail detailing new offerings to the time Borders
>has those new releases.  I don't have any problem with that time frame
>and am actually quite satisfied.  Any store which can sell me the 7
>Trabaci CD's has my vote of confidence.

Don's posting had me wondering a bit...

When I started collecting records, back in the early 60s, I would rely
on the Schwann catalog and what I encountered in Sam Goody's, the Record
Hunter, Music Masters, etc. Now I consult the lists Gary Thal sends out
every month, read this mailing list, look at the reviews in Grammophone,
ARG, Fanfare and when I can find them, some of the speciality publications.
The only time I buy recordings in a store, it is in the resale bins or
in second hand shops.

Guess I was wondering, how do all of you keep informed on what is being
released and what percentage do you buy in stores?
