"How's your success been with the cassette supers?"

The picture is one of the cassette super systems. I chose it because it
takes less time than the other systems. I put them on, wait a few weeks,
and sell them.

There are advantages and disadvantages to all the systems, I recommend
spending MANY hours reading through the archives on BEE-L, then digesting
the info, then experimenting.

I have a BSc degree from Cal-Poly in Fruit Science (Pomology) but I can
tell you that the archives on BEE-L are worth MUCH more when it comes to

P.S., Chris Slade, you asked me one time what to do with cappings to get
the honey out. Well, I've almost got an answer, and it is relevant to this
thread. :-)

Please contact me if anyone has any questions regarding producing comb
honey. I haven't got one tenth of one percent the experience of the Old
Drones on this board, but I would be thrilled to be able to "give a little
back" in the way of experience.

Very best

Tim Vaughan
Acolyte of the BEE-L Masters.

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