The Wagner Society of Washington, D.C. announces another free event in
its "Year of Die Walkure" series, a lecture by the classical scholar,
author and educator

Dean of Mary Baldwin College


Thursday, February 20, 2003

at 7:30 P.M.

The George Washington University,
Funger Hall,
2201 G Street, N.W.
Washington, DC

In a lecture free to Wagner Society members and the public, Dean
Buller will examine the theme of sleep as a musical, metaphorical and
philosophical principle in all four works of Wagner's great tetralogy,
"Der Ring des Nibelungen," with special emphasis on "Die Walkure," the
focus of this year's Wagner Society lectures.

Jeffrey Buller is a classicist by training but is acknowledged in the
world of Wagner studies through his book, "Classically Romantic: Classical
Form and Meaning in Wagner's Ring (2001).  Jeffrey Buller was educated
at Notre Dame and the University of Wisconsin.  In addition to "Classically
Romantic," he is author of numerous articles, essays, and reviews on
topics ranging from ancient tragedy, Latin pedagogy, Baroque music, and
twentieth-century opera. In recent months, he has lectured for the Wagner
Society of New York and the Wagner Society of Northern California in San
Francisco.  Next summer, he will provide the English language pre-performance
lectures at the Richard Wagner Festival at Bayreuth, Germany.

The Wagner Society of Washington, D.C. is a private non-profit organization
devoted to the study and enjoyment of Richard Wagner's art.  Its Year
of "Die Walkure" is continuing with monthly programs through June.  Most
events are free to members and the public.  The Wagner Society welcomes
new members and contributions at any time.  Membership forms and other
information are available at the Society's Website or by calling the

The Wagner Society of Washington, D.C.
P.O. Box 33051
Washington, D.C. 20033

Telephone 301.907.2600
Facsimile 301.907.8671

Posted by
Janice Rosen, Founder