This Rhapsody thing got me to thinking (all obvious jokes aside).
I wonder if anybody here knows the cost of practice sessions and a
performance for the New York Philharmonic. Say $20,000 for the artist.
Question is how many people around the world would have to pay, say,
$2.99 to burn it to make it profitable. For example, if 300,000 people
around the world burned it the next day, then $900,000 would be generated
(then there are gate receipts too).

What are the hall rental costs, hourly rate of the orchestra for practice
and performance, solo artist cost, etc. for the NYP of any other major

For example, the typical cost of a performance of the Brahms 2nd PC by
NYP and Cliburn, then how many people would have to burn it to break


Bill Pirkle
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