On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 05:56:17 -0600 Bob Harrison <[log in to unmask]>

> Pure honey and maple syrup would be a healthier
> choice in my opinion than
> refined sugar, corn syrup or artificial
> sweeteners (without nutritional
> value) but realize many consumers are not
> concerend  about the nutritional
> value of the food they eat.

Precisely why are honey (basically a super saturated sugar solution, refined
by bees) and Maple sugar (a near saturated sugar solution, produced in a very
refined state by the trees), superior to table sugar or corn syrup?

Just because something is refined does not make it inherently inferior.  The
problem with these products comes in when they are overused at the expense of
more nutritious substances - something that can be done with maple or honey as
well.  The trace minerals found in maple and honey are in such low quantities
per calorie as to be largely inconsiquential from a nutritional stand point.
