Jeffrey Hall wrote:

>Dear CM fans, I am a big fan of Beethoven's piano sonata number 15, the
>Pastoral sonata. I just love how it flows along. What are some recordings?
>I listen to Brendel's 1970's recording on Philips. I've heard that
>Kovacevich on EMI is pretty good. Any input greatly appreciated.

if you want I will make a recording of that sonata just for you, since
I love to play that sonata too. Please note that the title "pastoral"
is apocryphe, Beethoven hasn't called that sonata like that. There was
a fashion to name sonatas after their apparent mood... I would call that
sonata "everything but pastoral" since it is very strong and colourful,
sometimes it needs also fortissimo (ff); Beethoven always refused the
names that people gave to his works, there are just a few officially
named by him. I like the Glenn Gould version of this sonata, but you can
find it played by Vladimir Ashkenazy, Maurizio Pollini, Paul Badura-
Skoda, Jeno Jando, Claudio Arrau and many more.  Good search.

Fabio Hauptstueck