Kevin Sutton wrote:

>"Feel your heart-beat and send out good vibrations???" Honestly!  I can
>do that in my bathtub.  I don't need to take up space in the Riverside
>Church as 30 or so dollars a ticket to participate in some ridiculous
>new-age ritual concocted by a left-over Hippie.

Being a devil's advocate here: Maybe that's the point, that you can do
that in the bathtub.  Maybe we can be more observant and appreciative of
the music that surrounds us every day.  I, for one, could really benefit
from that.  I need to live in the moment more, and be more Zen-like.

>It's no wonder that the many think that the last great composer was
>Stravinsky.  He and Britten seem to me to be the only people in the last
>40 years who were capable of sitting down and actually creating something
>that was original, and that stood a chance of lasting beyond the first

Stravinsky and Britten had completely different objectives than Oliveros.
Obviously the work and skill that Oliveros put into composing her "music"
can't compare with what went into composing "Rite of Spring".  Also
Stravinsky and Britten have received a lot more credit for their work
than Oliveros (I've never even heard of Oliveros).

>By the same token, what can we say of "musicians" who "specialize" in
>this kind of nonsense.  Does it take a conservatory education and years
>of preparation to be able to zip and unzip your damned instrument case?

I wonder myself.  But, is Oliveros taking unfair advantage of her
established reputation and credentials by offering this "music".
Credentials or no credentials, the listening audience should be the
final judge.
