Peter Lundin asks:

>what (and If) Schmitt has written for Choir Acapella (sp?).  As I'm hardly
>a Frankophile, I turn to the trusty MCML, might their be a resident Florent
>Schmitt expert among us?

Florent Schmitt (1870-1958) a capella works

3 choeurs, Op. 40 (1896-1913)
5 motets, Op. 60 (1916-1917)
Hymne a l'ete, Op. 61 (text Silvestre) (1898-1913)
6 choeurs, Op. 81 (female chorus) (1930-1931)
En bonnes voix (appropriately named for an amateur choir?), Op. 91 (1938)
   A contre-voix, Op. 104 (1943)
La tete de Kenwarc'h, Op. 114 (text de Lisle), male chorus (1944)
Conseil tenu par les rats, Op. 123 (text La Fontaine), male 4-part chorus
Fables sans morales, Op. 130 (text La Fontaine), 4 part chorus (1954)
De vives voix, Op. 131, 3 part chorus (1955-1956)
Psaume cxii et 2 cantiques, Op. 135, 4 part chorus (1956)'s all, folks -- for a capella forces, anyway, but oodles more
richly wonderful stuff for chorus and orchestra, plus orchestral music,
film scores, 3 ballets and a boatload of chamber music.

Tim Mahon
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