Richard Pennycuick <[log in to unmask]> reports:

>NB: Not all are immediately available everywhere.  The historical ones may
>not be available in the US because of copyright considerations.

How did you know about these releases now? (If I am allowed to ask that) -
They haven't been announced at yet.

>Naxos Historical
>WAGNER: Siegfried
>Lauritz Melchior, tenor / Kirsten Flagsted, soprano / Friedrich Schorr,
>bartitone / Kerstin Thorborg, mezzo-soprano / Karl Laufkotter, baritone
>/Eduard Habich, baritone / Emanuel List, bass / Stella Andreva, soprano /
>Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera / Artur Bodansky,
>conductor (Broadcast on 30th January 1937)

Which work is this actually??

Glud to see it is a Metropolitan at least, as making it "secure".
Then I always welcome Wagner releases, both by Richard der Einzige and
Siegfried - but not without limits, which it feels distasteful when they
are overstepped.  The thing is, even since Wagner at the very start of the
Bayreuth Festspiele in 1876 let hold a "private" performance (in 1876 most
curiously of the music Wagner set to a play = Wagnermusic which never has
been published!!), the Wagner-family has continued to do so.  There are
every nowadays every year in August "Public" performances, "Geschlossene"
and "Private" performances.  The private performances are the
Wagner-familys own way of socializing with each other.  It happens that
such special performances have been recorded, but it has been meant to be
a private family issue on the whole.  Now I heard that some fanatic
Wagnerlabel ("MYTO"???) has released some of these performances which they
must have got their hands on under mystical circumstances, and published
them as if they were equal to public ones.  I think this is insulting and
very disrespectful down to the line of harrassment to the Wagner family.
Just that they are famous people, have they really NO right to have a fun
private life (which they do everything to keep away from the public) in
their family and a small circle of close friends?? Are these labels going
to "borrow" (how they now define it) Wolfgangs diaries also and publish
them as "Wolfgang Wagners Weltanschauung"?? But I guess we - who consistute
the audience - shall just be HAPPY and PROUD over!!

I have at least seen in google that there are people who loyally only
dabble with publically performances.

Please contact me privately if you are interested in more information upon
anything of this.

Mats Norrman
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