Ed Zubrow responds to Steve Schwartz:

>>Is it "Duval"? or "Dubal"? Dubal was many, many years ago a piano teacher
>>of mine (a grand total of two lessons, after which I quit).
>Curious why you quit?

Well, Steve Schwartz can explain it himself of course, and I don't know his
explanation, but when I read that a respected and knowledgeable researcher
like Margaret Mikulska don't hesitate to use a word like "a disaster" about
Mr.Dubals scientific work, then I think one might think that Recognition or
lack of Recognition has its weight, nevertheless it now should be so or

I came to think of when I heard about an orchestra in the neighbourhood
needing a new conductor.  So far I know the orchestra was respected, and
a very good one for this kind of orchestra.  However when I heard about
in how doubtful manner the musicians spake about their leaving conductor,
I thought "Shall I really apply this job? If this orchestra couldn't get
any better conductor last time then that "fish-trader" they described, I
might have my Vorstellung about the rank of that orchestra wrong.  I got
very suspicious and thought I should better look elleswhere go for an
orchestra which at least themselves think they are cooperating with
conductors of class".  etcetera.

Mats Norrman
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