"Santu De Silva" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Wasn't there a DVD (or videotape) of a number of so-called great conductors
>a few years ago?  I think I'm finally in a position to psych myself up to
>by that . . .

That would have been The Art of Conducting: Great Conductors of the Past.
It is available on VHS, but still not on DVD:


There was a sequel to that as well, called The Art of Conducting:
Legendary Conductors of a Golden Era:


I want to get them myself, but I hate buying VHS tapes, when -- especially
for something like this -- DVD is so much better.

(I am not now, nor have I ever been a member, an employee or subject of
Amazon or any of its affiliates, potentates and powers.)

Miguel Muelle
[log in to unmask]

 [As is my practice, when Amazon links are posted to the list with
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