Here's a quick and dirty translation of the obituary from

   World-famous conductor, composer, and pianist Evgeny Fedorovich
   Svetlanov died in his Moscow apartment on Friday evening at the age
   of 74.  The news was announced by his relatives.

   Evgeny Svetlanov was born in Moscow in 1928.  He graduated from the
   Gnesinykh Musical-Pedagogical Institute and from the Moscow
   Conservatory.  For several years he was conductor and chief conductor
   of the Bolshoi Theatre.  From 1965 on he was artistic director and
   chief conductor of the State Symphonic Orchestra of USSR.  He composed
   several symphonies, symphonic poems, chamber music works, and
   vocal-instrumental works.

   Svetlanov - a "national artist USSR" [that's a big title in the USSR
   -MM], laureate of the Lenin Prize - conducted several of the most
   famous orchestras in the world.

   Press Agency "Novosti".

-Margaret Mikulska