On this thread, there is a new CD out of the music of Alkan which was
played on the Disklavier.  The "performer" entered the notes into some
computer program, "manipulated" (my quotes for the pun) to provide
expression (?) and then had the music played by the piano.

I haven't had time to compare the music with the pieces that I have with a
real person at the ivories (plastics?), but I will get around to it.

The majority of the liner notes are in Japanese, and I don't have a
universal translator to scan them and read in English.  I'm sure that that
day will com too.

What I want is a kind of thing to attach to my Yamaha so I can enjoy
someone else playing for a change.

Joel Hill
Tallahassee, FL - USA
ALKAN Web Page: http://www.nettally.com/joelhill/alkan