Hector Aguilar wrote:

>On a tangential subject, what about concert halls? I'd like to know
>what people think are the best halls in the world, or even in the U.S.
>The last few years I've heard Davies Hall (San Francisco), Symphony Hall
>(Boston), Jones Hall (Houston), and Heinz Hall (Pittsburg), ...  Although
>the Boston SO was technically the best, putting forth a slow-paced yet
>heart-rendering second movement under Ozawa, it was the SFS under Tilson
>Thomas which has left the biggest impression on me, and I believe that
>Davies Hall itself played an important role in that experience.  ...

 From my limited experience in Davies, I'd say it doesn't come close to
Boston.  But of course, I know the Boston hall much better and know where
to sit.  There are some bad seats there, after all, like any hall.

Roger Hecht